As in many other countries, natural wine is becoming increasingly popular in Spain. This type of wine is mostly produced on small vineyards and in small batches. Spain produces less wine than Italy and France. This is because the country's dry soil requires a lot of care and attention. But the wine that does get produced is often of very high quality. This is also the case with Spanish biodynamic and natural wines.
What is Spanish natural wine?
To determine whether a wine is natural wine, several aspects are considered. Both the cultivation of the grapes and the vinification process must meet certain conditions. For example, the grapes must be grown organically or biodynamically. This means that no chemical pesticides are used, but also that fertilizers are not used. With biodynamic cultivation, the winemaker also takes into account cosmic forces, such as the position of the sun and moon. For a natural wine, the grapes must then be picked by hand. And during the vinification process that follows, no additives may be used. This means that no yeasts or acids may be added to the wine.
Where is Spanish natural wine made?
Spanish natural wine is produced in almost all Spanish wine regions. Often this is done on small vineyards and the wine is made only in small batches. In well-known areas such as Castilla y Leon, Castilla la Mancha and Penedes, many natural wine growers are active. But also in the other Spanish regions more and more winegrowers can be found who work this way. As a result, the range of naturally made Spanish wines is growing.
Buy the best Spanish natural wine
At Aardig Wijntje we have a wide range of Spanish natural wines. Because the editions are often small, the assortment changes regularly. So you'll find a different beautiful Spanish vin naturel every time. Whether you like white, rosé or red, there is always a good wine to find. Try different delicious Spanish vin naturel wines and discover what is the very best Spanish wine for you.
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