The best wines from Alsace
The Alsace wine region produces many different wines. Alsace wines are mostly white wines. The only red and rosé wines produced in Alsace are from Pinot Noir grapes. This produces a particularly fruity wine with a hint of cherry. The white or orange Gewürztraminer is very characteristic of the Alsace region. The taste and aromas can vary enormously; from tropical fruit to oxidative notes. Other well-known wines from Alsace include Riesling, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris, Auxerrois, Muscat and Sylvaner. Although sweetness is often present on the palate, by no means are all Alsace wines sweet. Alsace Riesling, for example, is quite dry compared to other Riesling wines. Muscat wines from Alsace are very fruity and have a pure and natural taste. The Sylvaner wines, on the other hand, are fresh and light, with notes of pear and apple. The Pinot Gris has a firmer taste and the Pinot Blanc is fresh-fruited. Preserving the natural flavor of the grapes is very important in Alsace wines and contributes to their characteristic taste.
Taste the best Alsace wines for yourself
Many wine estates in Alsace produce as many as 15 or even more different wines. This can make it difficult to find the best Alsace wines. At Aardig Wijntje, we help you do just that. We have already selected some beautiful (natural) wines from Alsace for you. These wines are high in quality and have the characteristic Alsace wine taste. Choose from several beautiful wines and discover Alsace.
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